24 November 2009

This and that

Last week was filled to the brim with thises and thats and all kind of hats. Okay, that was a moment of poetic licence. I don't believe there were any hats. Though there definitely should have been.

Here are some of the thats.
1: Meetings, meetings, meetings.

2. Cake.

3: Planes, buses & automobiles.

4: Hot, steamy Sydney.

5: A whole day of lively discussions at an in-house editorial conference* that featured Sydney Onion colleagues, structural and copy editing workshops from delightfully clever freelance editors, a fascinating author-editor talk and a cookbooks session that had us completely engaged despite it being the very end of a long day of lively editorial discussions. (Did you know you shouldn't fry your onions in Extra Virgin olive oil? Regular old olive oil is much better, apparently.)

6. Pork Belly and Creme Brulee.

7. This.

8. This.**
9: Lightning, thunder, rain.

10: Flight delays, flight delays, flight delays (adult beverages).

* Thanks to AN for her brilliant editorial-conference wrangling, and to AL, N'OS, LG, SB and JV for generously visiting their knowledge and skills upon us.

**Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, as a sun-protection device, didn't work nearly as well as a hat would have. Did you know you shouldn't fry your Onions out in the sun for too long in the heat of the day without properly slip, slop, slapping?

1 comment:

Kate J-W said...

Hooray, hooray, you chose Balmoral! Clever girls! Is it not spectacularly beautiful?